About the Package

We have tailored this programme according to the objectives that our coaches can discuss, set or refine for you over a one-on-one meeting. To achieve your goals, you must be dedicated to exercising consistently and adhering to your diet throughout the duration of the program. We'll use the idea of breaking hard tasks into progression steps and sequencing them from easiest to toughest. Continuous practice will help you get over to the next level until you become an expert at this. To advance your body to the next level, train wisely and keep pushing it to its limits. While the basics of Calisthenics are always crucial, your top priorities should be intensity, form, volume, and tempo. If you want to finally break plateaus and conquer goals, your mindset is everything.


Program Details

  • Fitness Assessment
  • Customized Goal Training
  • 24/7 Whatsapp availability
  • Weekly Check-ins for accountability
  • Videos Available



  • Macros specific to goals
  • Not just Calories In and Out
  • Bi-Weekly Sessions to provide knowledge about Nutrition at surface level.
  • Secret for long term physique and health
  • Not a Temporary Diet Plan
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Cali Keeda is a gym that offers a holistic approach to Calisthenics. Our vision is simple, but the work at hand is not, for what is success without a little struggle? We transform people’s lifestyles and educate them on the significance of health and nutrition. As a result, we stand by our motto #KeedaHaitoKarega.

We at Cali Keeda have a KEEDA (bug) in our heads that continually tells us not to give up, to keep falling and getting back up, and finally to see failure as nothing more than a stepping stone to success. Our exercises are designed to be plausible at any time and in any place.

Calisthenics exercise optimizes the effectiveness of your workout by adopting the proper routines, which avoids injury and helps you gain amazing strength and muscle. We just want to share our KEEDA with you and assist you in achieving your goals.


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